

As many of you may know I am involved in research exploring the relationship
between vision and some of the motor problems of PD.  The goal is to overcome
some of these problems by building vision based therapeutic devices.
It would be very useful to me if I could occasionally ask a few questions of the
PD population who read this bb.  If anyone feels this is an inappropriate use of
this forum, please let me know.
If you have PD and exhibit dyskinesia while walking (i.e. you are medicated and
"on" and your walk has a lot of irrational, extra movement)
1. Does walking more rapidly improve your walk?
2. Try walking with your head up and arms extended straight out in front of you
at eye level with your hands hyperextended back in a position so you can see
your finger nails. Focus on your eyes on your finger nails while walking,  does
this improve your walk?
Answer form (copy, fill out and return)
Question 1;  yes:       no:
Question 2;  yes;       no: