

I'm seeking help.  Anyone, whether you have PD or not, who lives in Arizona
or New Mexico please contact me ASAP. Needed are leaders and followers,
persons willing to do alot, and others who can give just a teeny bit. Needed
are the outgoing bold types, and the quiet types too.
I'm hoping you'll join me as a volunteer  to:
 1. promote support from the elected federal reps of these      two states -
for the Mo Udall Bill.
  2.promote involvement from the Parkinsons Community
     to participate as a state team member to pass the Mo      Udall Bill.
  3.promote community involvement and active               participation  -
in shaping public opinion and               awareness of Parkinsons:
     (starting petitions, giving talks, writing letters
                        from you and for others who are not able to
                         write/drive, registering Persons with Parkiin-
      sons to vote. Speaking to agencies that
                            support services to the aged or handicaped.,
serve as       a volunteer board member on boards such as the       Governors
Council on Disabilities, the City Mayor's       commission on ADA, typing for
other volunteers who       have difficulty typing, designing info bulletins,
etc. etc.)
****We must let the public know...  we are here, we are not        invisible,
we need and deserve their help.  It's a great       opportunity to be part of
life's wonder...we, the       Parkinsons community, have alot of  strength.
We       need to show this disease that it's not got the final say       in
the control of our lives.
                             "NVISIBLE NO MORE".