

Re: gastric reflux and cisapride--recently my husband picked up on the
mention on the list of cisapride for constipation, and his doc has
started him on it--2 pills 3X a day, best to take 15-30 min. before
meals. He also started a liquid called Chronulac(generics are lactulose
and Duphalac) which helps move matter through the intestine. The cisapride was
originally used for diabetics to help with indigestion, and works mainly in
the stomach. Lactulose is taken also before meals, 2T per dose.  The two in
combination have been a real relief for serious constipation (which as we
know from Sidney Dorros death, can be a real danger in PD). He has had no
side effects that he is aware of, and has been on this routine for about a
month now.  He takes SinemetCR 50/200 four times a day.  This is an example
for us of the benefit of this list, as we took the initiative in asking the
internist and neuro, or it wouldn't have happened!
Camilla Flintermann, Oxford,OH