

>Has anyone had any experience with the "Feldenkrais" exercise system, or with
>a deep tissue massage technique called "Rolfing"?  I'm trying to decide
>whether to attend a week-long workshop in Big Sur, and whether or not to
>forewarn the instructors that I have P.D.
>Thank you,
> Mary Yost
I have engaged in "Rolfing" for over a year and found it very relaxing and
helpful.  My therapist taught me exercises i do nightly to keep my body
stretched and limber; i have noticed that i am less stiff in the mornings.
Also, i have learned to breath better; you'd be surprised at how so many
people "breathe" incorrectly.
"Peace from the clouds"                       \--*MH*--/
Birth Name: Jeffrey Romanyshyn          Email: [log in to unmask]
Poetic Psuedonym: Rom Carpathian        Occupations: Poet/Ph.D. student:
Spiritual/Animal Moniker: Mythic-Hawk                Mythological Studies
"The instant you realize you truly love someone, life makes sense"
If you wish, please check out some of my poetry (written under ROM
CARPATHIAN) and other fine literary creations at the M. David Lewis
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