

Re: GENERIC SINEMET CR---yes ndeed it DOES exist, and my husband is taking it!
The last time (about a week ago) that he had a refill of his Sinemet CR prescri
ption it was filled with the generic form, a pale yellow tablet, oval, that
greatly resembles the 25/100 regular Sinemet, but does not say SINEMET on it.
We get our Rx from the National RX Services, by mail, because he is retired
from the state  of Ohio(Miami Univ.) and covered by their retirement plan. Our
local pharmacist was not aware of the generic, however, so be persistent!
I don't know how much difference there is in price, since we pay only $2. per
Rx, no matter what it is (yes, it's incredible!) but it should be cheaper.
The label on the bottle says "carbidopa/levodopa" (Sinemet)and it was supplied
for a RX written for CR 50/200.
Camilla Flintermann, Oxford,OHio