

>During my visit to Canada I wrote at the NET
>that a World Wide Walk could and should be >organized.
>For the practice we are organizing a walk in
>Canada and the Netherlands at the same =
>time. The date is september 1995.
>If  you or anybody else likes to join this
>walk or have it organized in your country or
>state, feel wellcome and join the walk
Dear Kees,
I'm delighted to hear from you and to learn that you are =
following up on your idea of organizing a Worldwide Walk. =
I had already mentioned the idea to members of the =
committee that is working on this year's Parkinson's =
Unity Walk, which is taking place (in five U.S. cities) =
on October 15th. But I didn't realize that you would be =
planning something for this year.
Kees, it would not just be hard for us to change our =
date for this year, but absolutely impossible. We have =
been working on the Unity Walk since the end of last =
year. We have been acquiring permits, obtaining =
corporate support, getting publicity, putting out literature, =
etc. This year's date is carved in stone, so to speak.
So let me concentrate on future years and point out that =
there are always two problems for us with a September =
date. First, in the beginning of the month it is useless to =
schedule anything, because many people are still away =
on their summer vacations. Second, September is the =
month in which the Jewish high holy days take place =
(the dates vary from one year to the next), and we =
cannot schedule a walk during those days. That's why =
we have chosen October for two years in a row.
So -- good luck for =9195, and let's think together about =9196.