

My mom contacted my dad's doctor last week but he was out of town.  His
staff called Monday to advise my folks to discontinue the Eldepyrl.
He also saw his regular doctor back home Monday and that doctor also
took him off his Maxzide, and advised him to see his neurologist ASAP.
My dad has an appointment with his doctor in Oklahoma City on July 5th.
According to my mom he had a better day today.  Better mood, more
energy and could get around with just his cane, didn't need his walker.
I think that this improvement is more a easing of anxiety over his
situation due to the action and reaction of his doctor's more than any
lessening of medicinal effects.
I received a response stating that it takes about 3 weeks for the
Eldepyrl to get out of his system, so I know for sure that effects from
this drug are still very active in his bloodstream.
I received several E-mails regarding problems the sender or family
member had with Sinemet CR.  Apparently many patients have adverse
reactions to this drug and must take the "regular" formula to have any
success drug wise at all.  Why then do doctor's start their patients
out on a drug they know that the greatest majority of patients can't
take?  Why set the patient up for failure if the "regular" formula will
work better and is also available in generic thus a finacial savings as
well?  Any ideas?
I really do appreciate all of the kind words, suggestions and
overwhelming support I have received.  And so do my parents.  Most of
your notes are printed and sent on to them back home.
Virginia Herd
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