

Thanks for your response.  I've been doing acupuncture for 1-2 years, and am
just starting with the pd-specific herbal remedies, and may add also scalp
acupuncture to the mix, which the article recommends.   I'm really glad to
hear  of your success.  I can't  tell you of the number of times I've
complained to the discussion list about all the gloom and doom forecasts and
the almost total neglect of alternative treatments in the typical
discussions/articles.  Especially when the conventional methods offer no
"cures" either I think it's ignorant not to explore ALL possibilities, even
if they end up doing no more than helping improve one's overall health - that
helps too in a long term fight with a chronic illness.  If I can prolong the
time until I'm incapacitated until  I have done whatever I decide I want to
accomplish and/or delay the time until I need the heavy drug dosages, I
consider that a victory in itself. I also believe that if a major portion of
the cause(s) lie in toxins, etc., covering up the symptoms  with the typical
methods is just a panacea, the real "cure" is to eliminate the problem in the
first  place or else it'll always be there menacing and deadly.  If the
environmental link is more tenuous than real, then my approach is a moot
point, but I doubt this is  the case.  I keep belaboring these points since
altho' I may not have the medical/legal background to personally pursue these
avenues, I hope to at least get those who can started thinking along those
lines.  Also if the pd personality trait is one who is passive, rigid,
introverted, or whatever, then I am making a conscious effort to  be as open
minded and outspoken as I can (and it's easier over an impersonal computer
screen, granted!).
I also received an e-mail from someone else who is interested in Chinese
medicine and has tried a little, without much success, but still wants to
pursue it further.  Would you mind my passing along your message to him?
 Thanks alot!  Take care.  Wendy