

Dear Carrie--I'm not sure if this is the rating scale you are seeking, but
perhaps it will be helpful to you and others:
100%=  Completely independent, able to do all chores without slowness,
difficulty and impairment.  Essentially normal--not aware of difficulty
90%=  Completely independent, able to do all chores with some degree of
slowness, difficulty, and impairment. Might take twice as long, beginning
to be aware of difficulty.
80%=  Completely independent in most chores, takes twice as long.Conscious
of difficulty and slowness.
70%=  Not completely independent, more difficulty with some chores, 3 or 4
times as long in some,must spend large part of day with chores.
60%=  Some dependency, can do most chores, but exceedingly slowly and with
much effort. Errors; some chores impossible.
50%=  More dependent, help with half: shower, etc.Difficulty with everything.
40%=  Very dependent, can assist with all chores, but few alone.
30%=  With effortnow and then does or begins a few chores alone. Much help
20%=  Nothing alone. Can give slight help with some chores.Severe invalid.
10%=  Totally dependent, helpless. Complete invalid.
0%=  Vegetative functions such as swallowing, bladder and bowel functions
are not functioning. Bedridden.
NOTE: Patients between severe mobility fluctuations may vary betewwn 10 and
90%. For example, a patient during a good or "on" period may be 75%, yet
when an "off" period occurs they may revert to a 25% level of functioning.