

Hi David,
If you can function without Sinemet for part of the day go for it! I am
40 and was diagnosed with PD over 8yrs ago. I was forced to beging meds
3 yrs ago. I have found that a vegetarian diet is best for the L-dopa to
get into the brain and for many other reasons. I have been able to reduce
my meds to 25/100 Sinemet CR, 2.5 mg Deprenyl, and 500 mg Tyrosine three
times a day. This combination works well for me. No depression, sharp
memory and mind, 90% mobility. I often take my third dose around 5-6 and can
go the rest of the evening until the following morning without any more
meds. The less you can function on the better. I've been through the
short term memory loss, tremors, stiffness, loss of voice, you name it. If I
have a really active day I take an extra shot of Sinemet 25/100 CR. I do
not know if this is helpful for you, but at least it is another point of
view. I have found that small doses of Deprenyl, 1/2 a 5mg tablet, no
more than three times a day and taken with the Sinemet CR seems to work
for me. If I took the 5mg tablets I had insomnia and other symptoms. A
vegetarian diet reduces your need for Sinemet as well. The same dose lasts
longer. I hope this is helpful.