

What little I know of Medline is that here at Harvard Univ., it is offered
to faculty and staff for a yearly fee.  Two different fees, actually, depending
on what hour of the day you wish to access it.  Lower rate for off hours, i.e.
after 6:00p.m. or higher fee for the normal business hours.  Something like
$125.00 to $175.00/yr.
My brother was interested in a subscription to it until he discovered I had
Web access.  I'm not sure the Web will yield all that Medline lists, but I
sure have been busy surfing in his interests.  Finding journal articles has
proven to be more difficult, so far, I must admit, but I'm new to this and
expect I'll stumble into the right method eventually.  Perhaps I'm wrong,
but I believe journal article must be available from the Web without Medline.
You might inquire at UCLA about a subscription to Medline through
them or if you have the equipment necessary  look into Netscape
or Mosaic and search through them.  Netscape is easier to use in my opinion.
Also, there is so much information out there that perhaps you will find what
you need in a different format - like reference to the subject in the articles
but not the article.  I guess this could be costly.
Good luck.  I would be interested in how you make out.
>To list readers: MEDLINE is the national medical database at Bethesda, MD,
>which indexes thousands of journal abstracts by author, title, keyword, etc.
>I have used it in the past by visiting the medical library at UCLA, which
>has a bank of free terminals, but it is a chore to get there and lug my
>notes around. Does anyone know if MEDLINE is accessible to a home PC like
>mine and if so, detailed guidance how to do it (I'm a novice on the 'net).
>J. R. Bruman (818) 789-3694
>3527 Cody Road
>Sherman Oaks, CA