

I believe she owes us all an appology! Check recent column in your
paper...mine had this yesterday (Wed 6/28).  A response to a letter from a 70
year old about driving, accident rates, etc.  Ann quoted a survey from the
University of Florida which said (in part) that - "A driver's skills can be
impaired due to illness, aging or injury..... half of all driver's with
Parkinson's Disease continue to drive", well, thanks a lot Ann, that should
make things a LOT easier for us!!!    I feel she done a serious injustice to Husband was quite offended!  I intend to write to her (Iwish I had an
E mail address for her!), and to let her know that not only is my "Parkie"
able to drive, he also plays golf, dances, pans for gold, walks, does heavy
yard work, etc.  In other words, he functions quite well thank you, and
perhaps she needs further education in this matter!!! Perhaps some of you
would care to write her as well.  Grrrrrr...Roberta