

A couple of notes before the usual Tuesday Cafe announcement:
--MediaMOO has a slight technical difficulty and could be down until
sometime on Monday.  They'll be back for the Tuesday Cafe, but we mention
this in case any new folks are planning to jump on and practice MOOing
before the Cafe--if you try before Tuesday and can't get connected, try
again late Monday or on Tuesday morning or so before you conclude that
you're not doing something right.
--If you've been using the address [log in to unmask] for Tari, scratch that and
start using [log in to unmask]  (Tari's Other Site is undergoing some
changes and we cannot attempt to say just now what her mailing address
there will settle down to :-).)  Please resend anything you think she
ignored; it may have vanished into the ether.

             Please come to Netoric's Tuesday Cafe Discussion
                              July 18, 1995
                              8:00 p.m. EDT
                  in Netoric's Tuesday Cafe on MediaMOO


                    Class Collaborations Over the Net

                              To join us:
         Telnet to MediaMOO at 8888
         connect guest OR connect your character if you have one
                @go Tuesday OR @join Tari or @join GregS
      If you're new to Netoric and/or MOOing, Netoric's Information
         and MOOhelpsheet is available through Netoric's web page:
        If you don't have access to the WWW, write to Tari or Greg,
          addresses below, to have the helpsheet e-mailed to you.

      As everyone begins to think about what they'll be doing in their
      writing classes this fall, some folks are no doubt considering
      possibilities for collaborating with classes in other geographic
      locations, using resources such as e-mail, IRC, MUDs, and so on.
      What kinds of goals can we meet with such collaborations?  What
      can such collaborations give students that working with members
      of their own classes, or with other classes at the same school,
      do not give them?  What kinds of projects work well in such
      collaborations, and what kinds of work and planning are necessary
      to make them successful?  What are the pitfalls, and how can you
      avoid them?  What DOESN'T work, and why?

      At this week's cafe, we'll discuss these and related questions
      about class collaborations over the Internet.  Bring success
      stories, horror stories, advice, questions, and ideas that you're
      thinking about but haven't had a chance to try yet.  Maybe you
      can even find a partner for a fall collaboration...

      See you Tuesday!

                      *  *  *  N E T O R I C  *  *  *
           Tuesday Cafe -- Electronic Conferences -- CMC Workshops
      | Tari Fanderclai                 |  Greg Siering               |
      | Boston, MA                      |  Ball State University      |
      | [log in to unmask]               |  [log in to unmask]  |