

> ***** Considering my personal experience with the compazine (primarily an
> antidepressant/antipsychotic, altho' commonly used, as in my case, to fight
> nausea), which the drug book clearly states can  cause pd-like symptoms which
> can recur (indefinitely), EVEN AFTER ONE DOSE -  Could being on either
> progesterone/estrogen (which is what was supposed to have, but didn't
> ironically enough, make me nauseaous) at the same time possibly increase also
> this particular antidepressant "side" effect?  Also, if  symptoms can recur
Since we are from the different side of the globe, we do not use the
same brand name for drugs in our country. Since you mentioned that
Compazine is used for nausea and that it may cause PD-like symptoms
after even one dose, it rang a bell inside me and I feel like sharing
my bit of opinion.
Some drugs that are used commonly for nausea and vomiting (e.g.
novamine, bonamine, primperan) do fall under the classification
frequently in phama books as major tranqillizer (antipsychotic)
drugs. It is well known that such drugs may have side effect of what
we call "extrapyramidal side effect" or abbreviated as EPS. Patient
with such side effect may have dystonia (involuntary movements)
involving the eyes, head, mouth, tongue etc. With a single or 2 doses,
involvement of the extremities are not common. This is usually
described as PD-like symptoms. It is actually different from PD at
all. It is true that it may occur even after one dose in some patients
and that it may recurs for a while when the drug level in the body has
not subsided.    BUT it carries no long term risk by itself.
Once in a while such patient would be sent to ER and may pose a
challenge to physician who does not have this in mind. A simple
injection may relieve the symptom in minutes....:)
Siupak Lee, M.D.
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