

I am writing this about my father,  He is 80 Years old, a white male.
I have a great deal of concern over the weight loss my father has had.  The
best way I can think to describe this is his "Rear End" has disapeared!  His
pants fall off of him now and this has never been a problem.  He has also
had a weakening of his voice.  His memory is not what it used to be but on
other things its still very sharp.
A brief background on him.  The doctor says he has low potasium and needs to
reduce this salt intake, No problem but he has been folowing a dibetic diet
because my mom has Sugar Dib.  He has always been very alert and well spoken
with a fast mind, with math he could beat most people with calcuator. As a
former military officer he never had anyone complain that they could not
hear him,  now that is not the case my mother constantly complains about it.
He has fallen down the stairs in my house a few times, However I don't know
if that is from him not holding on?  He lives in the NC Mountains in a 2
story house with the first to second floor stairs on the exterior of the
Is ther any thing that I can do for my father?  What should he do about the
weight loss? and how about being so soft spoken?
Any sugestions
                                Ray Dicks