

Just a short thought on drinking and PD.
Alcohol clears the stomach and acts much like sugar.  It clears out obstacles
in the way and heads straight for the brain.  There it is thought to be
toxic.  Following is my ruined Father's Day last month.
At 12:15 PM I was going OFF so I dissolved 1/2 Sinemet 25/250 and drank it
down quickly.  At 1:00 PM we arrived at Black Angus restaurant.  I ordered a
Gin and Tonic in a tall glass as I was thirsty.  I took 2 or 3 gulps through
a straw and within minutes I was in violent dyskinesia.   The dyskinesia
lasted for about 1.5 hours.  I was too exhausted from the dyskinesia to eat
the meal.  Upon returning home I sleep for about 4 hours only to awake in the
OFF state.  This is one of the worst dyskinesia states I have ever been in/
 I wish it on no one.  If the gin didn't kill the neurons, the jerking of my
head really shock them up.
Alan Bonander