

Text of letter received 6-21-95 from Ohio Sen,Mike Dewine(after I had
written him 2 o3 times, sent infor, re PD and the Udall bill--
   "Thank you for contacting me regarding Parkinson;s Disease research.
I appreciate hearing from you and apologize for the delay in my response.
    As you know, the Morris K. Udall PArkinson's Research, Education, and
Assistance Act was introduced during the last Congress.Sen. Mark Hatfield,
the sponsor of this bill, is  planning to reintroduce this legislation during t
his session.
    I share your concern that many serious diseases such as Parkinson's
are underfunded by the federal government. I believe we need to take a look
at the funding of these important programs during consideration of the 1996
budget. The Senate is currently considering the Budget Resolution. As we move
through this process, please be assured that I will keep your views in mind.
    Again thank you for writing. If you have additional questions or
comments please do not hesitate to contact me."
Now that I have his email address, thanks to the list, I shall hound him!
We also asked folks at our group on Tues. to send thank you postals to Sen.
Glenn for co-sponsoring, and to write/call Dewine and Rep.Boehner.
Cheers!  Camilla Flintermann