

Hi P-brainers!
I've noticed quite a few communications of late describing how tired and
lethargic they feel and attribute it to PD....I did too until my on-the-ball
family doctor listened to me several months back moaning about how very tired
I felt (which is definitely not me) and decided to look further.  After a few
simple blood tests, he determined that, in addition to PD, I also have
Pernicious Anemia.  This is a deficiency in B12 which, I believe, is caused by
the loss of an enzyme which allows B12 to cross from the gut into the blood
system.  Taking B12 pills will not do the trick as the B12 simply cannot pass
through the gut wall and into the blood.  The solution is rather simple: I
take a B12 injection every month from now on.  I'm not crazy about the shots
for the rest of my life but this is a very small price to pay for regaining my
old vitality (minus what PD has drained) AND I avoid the rather gruesome
effects of long term B12 deficiencies.
Next time you're in the doctors office, you might have them take a wee bit of
blood and test for this anemia.  I gather it's not a typical part of some blood
workups and might be easily missed.  PD is a real hoot, but it my not be
causing all our problems!