

I want to share my experiences with slouching. I have some very simple
exercises which take about 10-15 minutes in the morning and perhaps 10
minutes in the afternoon which keep me straight and my back flexible. I
combined some Feldenkrais and yoga exercises. aAny competent yoga teacher
can teach you a few simple postures which can be very helpful especially
when combined with the breathing exercises taught as part of yoga. A class
a week or even two classes a week I found to be very helpful and the cost
is minimal. Feldenkrais is excellent for PD posture problems, but individual
sessions run $75. However, after a few lessons you can do the exercises at
home and there are excellent tapes available. Once you have a routine that
works, you will find the exercises also make you more aware of how your body
moves through space, especially the feldenkrais techniques. You'll be able
to walk with more ease and experience less tension which tends to aggravate
PD symptoms. Any health food store or local alternative publication such as
common ground has yoga and Feldenkrais practitioners. Yoga Journal has a
teacher directory available for a few bucks. If you have any questions,
give me a shout. I've had PD for 8 years and I am strighter now with better
posture, less lower back pain and easier gate than I experienced 8 years ago.
I've been in two car accidents and had a compression fracture in my lower
back and a whiplash. I am basically free of symptoms other than my PD sympto
cranialsacral treatments and therapeutic massage which are both very helpful
for PD. Don't just rely on your meds and there is a lot more you can take
advantage of other than physiotherapy. Check it all out.