

Someone meantioned recently (sorry, cannot recall who) about having a high
fever as a child.  I did too (104 degress when i was 3 or 4) and i was
wondering who else did and/or if anyone knows of any literature or research
on this area relating to PD?
Thank you.
"Peace from the clouds"                       \--*MH*--/
Birth Name: Jeffrey Romanyshyn          Email: mythhawk@west,net
Spiritual/Animal Moniker: Mythic-Hawk   Occupations: Poet/Ph.D. student:
                                                     Mythological Studies
"The instant you realize you truly love someone, life makes sense"
If you wish, please check out some of my poetry (written under ROM
CARPATHIAN) and other fine literary creations at the M. David Lewis
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