

To David Boots:
The latest issue of the UPF newsletter describes research which seems to
implicate Sinemet in a down side in 2 ways: 1) levidopa generates free
radicals througout the brain and 2) it contributes to apoptosis  (described
as "the 'intentional death' of neurons such that once triggered, the neuron
initiates a sequence of chemical events that destroys itself". It may be
that Sinemet is benificial in the short run but may cause the progression
of the PD!
A neurosurgeon once told me that Eldepryl is the most overrated drug since
I don't have much confidence in the drugs available for PD. I have an
atypical parkinsonism and my symptoms are not affected by Sinemet, so I
stopped taking it. I have had PD about 3 yrs and I am not on any
medications. So far I am depending upon exercise, a good diet
including supplements, adequate rest and simply learning to live with my
symptoms by the tricks I have developed.
Milo V. Anderson, Ph.D.
Box 417
Angwin, CA 94508
VOICE 707 965-2508
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