

Two comments on todays letters:
     1)My brother-in-law, a teacher, not a parkie,  lost his voice volume
temporarily,  and rigged up a microphone through a common tape-recorder to
amplify his voice.  If you like,  I can get the specific details.
     2)My experience has been that neurological pain is difficult to deal
with.  A friend had it with leukemia.  (Incidentally, he was a chemist)   He
was able to keep working by using several helps.  I can't remember all.  One
was the capsicum cream  when it was first being developed.  Another was to
wear women's pantyhose.  I can't imagine getting them on a parkie,  though!!
 I hope Allen's friend of friend finds relief.
     Jan Kramar  <[log in to unmask]>