

Our support group met with our senatorrs' and congressman's reps Thursday
evening, and they had some practical advice for getting the MO passed.
In their opinion, it will go nowhere unless we enlist the support of
Nancy Kassebaum's committee.  It is crucial that we write to them NOW
that funds are being allocated.  We came up with a letter for those not
inclined (or too busy) to write their own.  Feel free to use it, but add
an original line or two about yourself so it will be classified as a
personal letter.
Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee
Nancy Kassebaum, Kansas, Chair
Bill Frist, Tenn.
Mike DeWine, Ohio
Slade Gorton, Washington
Judd Gregg, New Hampshire
James M. Jeffords, Vermont
Orrin G. Hatch, Utah
Strom Thurmond, South Carolina
Edward Kennedy, Mass., ranking member
Jeff Bingaman, New Mexico
Tom Harkin, Iowa
Christopher Dodd, Conn.
Barbara Mikulski, Maryland
Paul Simon, Illinois
Claiborne Pell, Rhode Island
Paul Wellstone, Minnesota
Here's our letter.  We modified it for those who co-sponsored the bill
(Mikulski, Simon, Wellstone, and Pell), thanking them for their support.
We also thanked Pell for publicly acknowledging his pd.
Dear Senator Kassebaum (or member):
As chair (or member) of the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee,
you are in the unique position of being able to perform an act of great
compassion while at the same time contributing to the spending cvtbacks
Congress is so concerned about.  I am referring to the Udall bill, which
offers a ray of hope for approximately a million and a half Americans who
are literally fighting for their lives.
Although the bill will allocate $100 million to be spent on information
and research, it is a cost effective measure because that amount is far
less than the estimated $6 billion needed to sustain patients through
SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, and the insurance system.  In the past,
Parkinson's Disease has been greatly underfunded, receiving only $26 per
patient annually, as opposed to $258 for Multiple Sclerosis and $295 for
There are two significant factors that make the Udall bill a good
investment for you at this time.  The first is that we are close to a
cure.  The knowledge is there; all that is needed is the funding to make
it a reality.  The second is that Parkinson's research is applicable to
other neurological diseases such asl Alzheimer's and Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis.  These diseases together will place an intolerable burden on
the economy in the future as the baby boomers enter middle age and
beyond.  How wonderful to have the opportunity to eradicate them before
they utilize funds that could be allocated to other programs.!
One of the reasons PD has not received its fair share of funds in the
past is that it has been considered an old persons' disease.  This is no
longer the case, as many young people have been diagnosed recenly.  These
people could be leading productive lives and contributing to the economy
instead of being forced to live lives of helpless dependency.
Your support will make all the difference in the world.  Please help us.