

I have had a very good experience working with Feldenkrais, however, the
quality of the instructors varies which is quite normal. Try to find a
teacher that is familiar with PD. I found that my awareness of my body in
space, how it moves and particularly how to move with less effort and how
to walk with less effort to be very helpful. My gait improved and my posture
improved dramatically. A simple excercise combining a pelvic tilt and neck
movements which can be done on a chair or on the floor immediately straight-
ens out my spine. I have also found yoga to be extremely helpful as well as
very reasonable. Also, if it is difficult to get out, these practitioners
will come to your home and if you can get a small group together you can all
benefit from the instruction and share the cost. I have found these therapies
to be a great bang for the buck.