

Just a quick note of mention before I head away to the country to join Moira
for a couple of days in case some might miss it...., namely, the Globe &
Mail (Toronto) has a major opinion piece by a Parkinsonian, William Harshaw,
about his two pallidotomies -- one side in 1993 and the second side in late
1994. The article is headed: "Reprieve from Parkinson's".
It may be that somneone else will have time to post it or summarize it
before I return, but I do plan to make some comments to the List about
Bill's article and an update on Moira's own surgery at Loma Linda in May and
how she is doing.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Peter J. Kidd
Learning Materials Consulting Services
Phone & Fax: (902) 443-4262
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