

I'm new here so I hope I'm not re-inventing the wheel for you.
Recently (via TV ad & 800 numb.) I ordered a memory course that really helped
me, especially with long lists of info.  It's from Harry Lorayne's MEMORY
For fun, I've learned:
                Wife's 13-item test list (VERY odd asst.)
                Books of Old & New Testaments
                U.S. Presidents
                States & Capitols
                Order of planets from Sun
Each in very, very short time.  (Great to mentally rehearse in boring
situations).  I still remember my wife's list after 4 months, which for me is
Also good for:  Names & faces, very long numbers, Appt. list,etc.
I've been a PDer for about 10 years, on 2 1/2 Sinemet CR-50/200, 2
Amantadines, 1 Sinemet-25/100, daily.
To quote Claudia Elliott: "I think part of the secret is to keep surprising
the brain with new functions to learn."
Also, I've heard of PD symptoms being helped by PYCNOGENOL (Strong natural
anti-oxidant).  We talked to man in Florida whose symptoms improved with
Pycnogenol, returned when Pyc was stopped, left when Pyc was re-started.
 Anybody else?
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