

I have only been into this letter writing business a couple of days and I
have been so flooded with mail I can not in any way catch up with it.  So I
will do things slowly in my own speed and hope no body is upset if I do not
answer letters promptly!!  Thanks
     I am really not in serious problem with my PD but I do find it is
creeping up on me all too fast!  Again we all must take what comes but it is
nice to be able to correspond with others in the same ship!
    I wonder if there are any of all of those of you out there who are also
Amateur Radio Operators.  It would be great if there were so that we could
set up scedules and chat over that means of communicatios.  If there are any
of those strange people out there my call letters are W2PZG and I would
welcome hearing from you.
  Donald Stokes ([log in to unmask])