

I saw the Prime Time special last night and after crying for a while, I
decided to write this "open letter to you". I realize this isn't the
"alt.GOD newsgroup" but I decided that you or anyone else may be able to
respond and give me something to keep me going another day. Those "frozen
addicts were a lot worse than me...I cry just thinking back to seeing their
struggles and wish that a cure will be found soon.
I'm 37 and and too young to have PD. I'm not brave and I'm tired of being a
"fighter". I miss being able to play music (I did enjoy it for almost 24
years); the loss, however, feels unbearable at times. My driving is slowly
going, too.  I'm getting to the place where family and friends are starting
to make offers of "David, when your PD gets so bad that you can no longer
take care of yourself..".
I don't want someone to have to feed me or help me struggle out of my
clothes at night. I wet myself earlier this month and was too embarrased to
tell anyone till now. I couldn't get my key in the door and I couldn't grab
my zipper with either hand. Was this a lesson in humility? standing
on my front porch peeing on myself with tears of frustration running down
my face? If not, it was a powerful statement anyway.
I bought several cans of Progresso heat-em-and-eat-em fava beans yesterday
and ate them hoping I would get Sinemet-type relief from the "Kinesia
brothers" (Dys and Brady). It's hard for me to prepare food,clean my
apartment, shave and brush my teeth...but the most difficult thingis that
I'm pulling away from everybody (as a lot of folks with PD tend to do). I
think about the alternative to living with PD and sometmes it doesn't sound
so bad....this scares me. I've embraced life before but now my days are
getting to be a nightmare of medications, side-effects, and physical (and
mental) struggles with little spots where I feel some relief. I no longer
associate any particular sensation with the word "normal".
KAISER (S. Rafael) wants to talk to me 7/31 about possible pallidotomy. I
don't want relief from "a symptom" while the disease continues. I want my
substantia nigra the worst way. Where can I get
fetal-cell-transplant surgery? Georgia? Where? How much? I figure any
monetary amount is a small price to pay to relieve me of the mental and
physical hell I experience daily.
Sometimes, the Dyskinesia feels like my body is trying to pull itself apart
and sometimes my mind exhibits the same behavior. I read the letters from
people who respond great to the various forms of sinemet, tai-chi,
religious conviction, dietary changes,, and I think  "I bet they're not
going through this alone". Please dont fault me for being so weak,, I'm
trying hard every day and doing the best I can. Thanks for listening.
"shaking and baking in Northern California"