

Dear David,
I am sure that we have all struggled with the feelings you so graciously
expressed. Life with PD is no picnic, and it is natural to wonder
(particularly on bad days) if it is worth it.
I would like to point out that many believe that depression is actually a
physiological component of Parkinsons Disease. When my neurologist brings
this topic up, I always say (tongue in cheek) "I have PD, who wouldn't be
depressed?" The important thing is that there is treatment available that is
quite effective in battling the depression. I know from my own communications
here on the list that some of us use health store remedies, to avoid the "one
more pill mentality", and others have gotten help from pharmaceuticals. I
would guess that at least half of my Young Onset group is being treated for
I urge you to speak to your Dr about your feelings of hopelessness.
Depression is insidious, and hard to see from the inside out. But as people
are telling you, there is life after PD. Actually, through the grace of God,
mine is pretty good! Please ask for help...I think that may be your lesson in
Kathie Tollifson ([log in to unmask])