

-- [ From: Donna Kipp * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --
Dear David, .There is hope out there. I know we all get sick and tired
of hearing that but it is true. I don't know how long You have had PD
It is not easy, I too go through periods of feeling overwhelmed with
thoughts of what the future holds. It is hard to feel you are a role
model for the world at large. I hope you are taking an antidepressant.
They do make a difference. Counseling is also a great help- your neuro
may be able to suggest someone. Billy Joel  wrote a song several years
ago after a rash of teenage suicides that I try and keep it in mind
when I go through down periods. I think the name of it is SECOND WIND
what it basically says is that everyone gets down and just feel like
there is just no hope and nothing is never going to improve but if you
just hold on you do get a second wind and actually begin to feel
better. I wish there was some more earthshaking that I could pass on
but just hold on David-things will improve...............Take Care,