

One thing that I personally find to be a positive aspect to my pd - is the
inspiration I've been getting to write all this poetry.  Here's another for
what it's worth...
Sunny yellow flag, waving happily in the breeze, Proclaims:
"Beware - Pesticide Treated Area."
Walking my dog alongside perhaps dozens of these innocuous messengers,
I wonder about the unspoken irony,
WHO are the pests?
Is it the insects?
No, that is too simple.
Could it be - Dogs with their noses close to the ground?
Or perhaps all of the children, playing and running around?
Both make noise and often annoy those of the 'mature' human variety.
There are those communities, I've encountered,
who seem to protect their children (or rather the pristine Lawn God),
by making it forbidden to play on the communal lawn.
I guess one must weigh the odds,
sunny yellow flags
Am I a pest?
"It could be so,"
respond the flag messengers as I walk by.
"But I am HUMAN, and we kill pests,
Not in reverse."
"Depends on your point of view," it replied.
Again and again, "Who is the pest?"
Echoed 'round in my mind
As I passed one flag after another.
Suddenly I freeze, as
The TRUTH called out to me...
I am the pest and also the source of my disease!
I am aging before my years,
With shaking and rigidity I shouldn't acquire
For many decades.
"Don't worry, it's not personal,"
Consoled the nearest flag,
Hating to see any sadness.
"I'm just doing the job I was developed to do:
Rid the earth of pests,
And frankly, what are humans,
If not pests?"
"They take and take and never give back.
Just like larvae, which ultimately kills its host.
Only since there is no where else to go,
The host cannot die, or with it goes all life."
So the obvious solution is the hardest to accept,
"Survival of the fittest" - Isn't that the Law?
I used to be fit,
Until you and your army of yellow
Appeared regularly in my world.
If you want an Answer,
Just ask the cockroach,
He holds the secret of survival.