

I've never heard of anything like this before, and will watch for an answer
with real interest.  If there is a "cutting loose" stage, I would want to
know about it and prepare for it.
>On my mother's last visit to her neurologist, he diagnosed Parkinson's
>Plus and then told her that there was no need for her to come back to him
>anymore, as there was nothing else he could do for her.   She has been
>seeing him for years, and I've always thought he sounded cold as she
>would recount her visits, but this just "takes the cake".  Why would he
>say this, unless it's the standard practice to cut loose a patient when
>the end is in sight.  Of course, he will continue to provide for her
>prescriptions, but she and I believe that it is time to see another
>neurologist.  She is barely mobile, can eat little.  Would it be futile
>to pursue another neurologist?  She has so little stamina, that I hate to
>subject her to all that it would entail.  On the other hand, she feels
>abandoned.  What do you think?
Mrs. Karin M. Beros, MSO                     [log in to unmask]
International and Area Studies               voice:  (510) 642-8542
Office of the Dean, 260 Stephens Hall        fax:    (510) 642-9466
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