

In reply to [log in to unmask] : 24 July 1995
Hi Don
Yes someone is reading your message. I've just "signed on" to this list also.
As a non medical person I can't help there but your message reminded me of
comment from my consultant on going for my annual visit re my PD. I told him
about the tremor (about the same), the drugs (no significant change), writing
(getting slower and illegible for some of my work colleagues), socially (a
problem trying to eat and drink not using the right hand). Then I said I was
concerned that maybe the drugs (Benzhexol and Seleginine) were affecting my
memory retention: his only observation was not to worry, "maybe it is only old
age". I was 41 at the time !! But I had to laugh. :-))
Best wishes
Bob Hills
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