

Use a search-engine on the World Wide Web and look for the Senate or House
of Reps HomePages.  I believe the Udall bill is there somewhere.
>Is the Udall Bill on the internet anywhere and if so, how do I access it so
>that I may print it. Or, if it's too long, is there a summary of the bill
>that I can access - where and how?
>Lisa Carper
>[log in to unmask]
"Peace from the clouds"                       \--*MH*--/
Birth Name: Jeffrey Romanyshyn          Email: mythhawk@west,net
Spiritual/Animal Moniker: Mythic-Hawk   Occupations: Poet/Ph.D. student:
                                                     Mythological Studies
"The instant you realize you truly love someone, life makes sense"
If you wish, please check out some of my poetry (written under ROM
CARPATHIAN) and other fine literary creations at the M. David Lewis
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