

David, a very courageous letter-it must have reached many who perhaps didn't
yet have your courage to speak out.
One experience I had was dribling unconscously and having the joy
that my medicines created a lovely permanent yellow stain. The good news is
 symptoms seem to slowly change-sometimes certain problems get better as
others get worse. In my case after 3 years the dribling has stopped as has
the staining-now  the buttons and clumsyness are worse.
I also suspect if anyone had winessed the episode you related they
most likely would have done their best to be helpful. I work half time
and volunteer in several groups and my shaking is obvious to all-the best
 answer I found was to casually mention I have  Pd,it is not
painful -yes- my hand shakes but my mind doesn't , smile and change the
subject. Regards   Rob