

        I encourage you to look up Wellbutrin in a PDR (Physician's Desk
Reference) and discuss this concern with your internist.  She may have
picked this particular antidepressant because of its connection to the
dopaminergic activity; though newer than many, Wellbutrin is very different
from the tetracyclics (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil) in its chemistry & modes of
action.  Effexor is another of the newest antidepressants, with one
additional feature in its modes of action in addition to the three named
Phil Harris  :-)
On Tue, 25 Jul 1995, MS D J KIPP wrote:
> -- [ From: Donna Kipp * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --
> Does anyone have any information on Wellbutrin. I am having a  hard
> time getting an antidepressant that works for me with side affects I
> can live with. My internist prescribed it and I noticed in  a drug
> program that there may be a problem with Levadopa. Donna