

"- the number one domestic priority I think we
have is our biological and other scientific
research.  Its what makes this country the
leader in the world, and we are doing
everything we can to scrape together every
penny for science. ... I think it would be
very healthy to have a scientific panel that
every two years reviewed the whole scale of
breakthrough and if this panel said 'Look, we
have a real shot at Parkinson's Disease over
here.'  Let's put the extra resources there
...".  This  is in part what the Udall bill
would do.  I say in part because the Udall
Bill really only corrects an inequitable
funding situation rather than directing extra
resources." - Newt Gingrich on the
Charlie Rose talk show in mid July
Those of you with Republican Represenatives, ask them
why of the 53 cosponsors of the Udall Bill are
only 3 Republicans ?
This is tne kind of increased awareness we need.