

Hello.  My name is Nancy and as you can tell from my e-mail address I live
in Atlanta.
My Dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease a couple of months ago.  I
have been reading all the information I can get my hands on since then
because the only thing I knew about it at the time was that Billy Graham had
it.  I just signed up for this list on Monday of this week and have been
somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of mail I have already gotten from it.
My Dad lives in Alabama.  I have saved some of your messages to mail to him.
Currently he is seeing a neurologist who does not specialize in Parkinson's
Disease.  He does not want any of us to go with him to the doctor (except my
Mother.)  I don't feel very good about the doctor because he doesn't seem to
tell him very much-just gives him medication.  I was given a name of a
doctor at UAB who specializes in Parkinson's Disease.  His name is Paul
Atchison.  If any of you know of him I would love to hear your comments.
I have been very interested in some of your comments about causes and
symptons.  Someone mentioned that they felt they had developed PD due to
their exposure to certain chemicals.  My Dad operated an automobile repair
shop most of his adult life and was exposed to lots of chemicals such as
paint.  This has not been mentioned in anything I have read but I have
wondered if that could have been a contributing factor.  Your comments would
be appreciated.
Also I noticed something the other day about bladder problems being common
in PD patients.  My father has had these problems for several years and even
had some treatment for them since his diagnosis but to my knowledge he has
never been told that they could be related.  Another reason why I would like
for him to go to someone who specializes in the treatment of PD.
He has also complained for many years now that his feet "burn".  This is the
only explanation he has been able to give me of the sensation he is feeling
so I have assumed that they are tingling.  This sounds like a nerve disorder
to me.  He has gone to many doctors about this and has been given different
solvents to apply to his feet.
Some of them have given him some relief temporarily but not long term.  He
originally went to the neurologist who diagnosed him with PD about this
problem.  He says however that they are not related.  Are any of you aware
of any such symton in PD patients and if so how has it been treated.
I can see that you all offer each other tremendous support and hope that I
will be able to make a contribution to your efforts.