

Eric and Alan,
I strongly support what you say Alan.  Behavioral change with Parkinsons
drugs unfortunately is not uncommon.  Especially at high doses
hallucinations and delusional behavior can occur.  This is not necessarily
related to dementia- which is the general loss of mental faculties similar
to senility.  In recent years there has been some good success with the use
of Clozaril in controlling these effects.
I suggest for anyone experiencing hallucinations, major behavioral change or
delusions that they taqlk to their neurologist about a referral to a
psychiatrist with experience in treating Parkinsons patients.
Do not just tollerate physically abusive behavior.  The caregiver will burn
out and that will almost certainly be a negative for the patient.
Like they tell you on an airplane during a depressurization emergency-  put
on your own mask first,  then assist those who can't do it themselves.  If
the caregiver does not take care of their own needs first-  then they
endanger not only themselves  but those they wish to help.
Good luck,
 Charles T. Meyer
 Madison, WI
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