

>I am married and have 4 children aged 11, 14, 16 and 18. Two girls
>and two boys.
>A problem that my wife and I wrestle with is,should we tell the
> kids now or should we hide it from them as long as possible?
My Mum was diagnosed with PD when I was 14 and my sister was 12 (in 1984).
From our experience, tell your children, and soon. They see you every day
and will *know* something is wrong with you. I can think of nothing worse
than trying to hide the truth, even with good motives - kids are very
observant and will notice you are hiding something and will assume things.
Personally I was very glad that Mum told us - she sat us down together and
explained what was wrong with her and what the symptoms were. Nothing was
hidden from us.
Let them understand and be involved. That is the best way of preparing
them, and you. Your family is in this together.
Simon J. Coles                       Email: [log in to unmask]
                                Home Phone: +44 1932 220073
                                Work Phone: +44 1344 778783
--------------- Life is too precious to take seriously ---------------