

Dear Barbara and fellow list subscribers,
Thanks for the welcoming note. The quick response surprised me.
I am 43 years old and was diagnosed as having PD in April 1994.
Out of ignorance I thought it was a big joke, but as I researched
into the subject, reality took my smile away. (For a while)
I am married and have 4 children aged 11, 14, 16 and 18. Two girls
and two boys.
I am the manager of a Satellite station where we operate on the
cutting edge of technology. (We are about to enter the domain of
Ku-band Direct To Home broadcasting.)
My main experience of PD is frustration;
a) When I tire so easily.
b) When I cannot execute fine movements with my hands.
I take 2 Eldepryls daily in the morning and half a Sinemet CR in the
evening and morning. This seem to control PD symptoms and retard
I suspect that my PD is brought on by repeated inhalation of soldering
fumes. My career (and hobby) being in electronics, I used to spend
many hours bend over a soldering iron with lead-oxide fumes all
over the place.
A problem that my wife and I wrestle with is,should we tell the
 kids now or should we hide it from them as long as possible?
The same question applies in my career environment. Should I tell
my boss?
I would like to hear what others experienced.
Regarding the problem that Philip Tomashefsky has with ejaculation;
a common anti-depressant medication for PD is Aropax. This is well
known for causing those side effects.
My bit of philosophy for fellow PD's;
Live for each day, enjoying it as much as possible, and view the
future short-sighted.