

(I wrote this as an article for a newsletter and would like to share
it with  the parknsn list subscribers.)
There are many new directions being taken in healthcare today,
most are to find more effective treatments for disease as well as
reduce the rapid increases in healthcare costs. The term healthcare
is a little of a mystery as it applies today as modern medicine has
evolved into a disease care system where diseases are never cured,
but managed with drugs and surgery. A true health care system
should effectively either prevent disease or restore optimal health.
We are slowly but surely moving in that direction and we have all
of the tools, they just have not been put into a neat little package.
We have complementary medicine, holistic medicine, alternative
medicine, naturopathic medicine, etc. How does one find their
way through the minefield? Well, I will give a hypothetical model
of what a holistic approach to treating Parkinson's disease could
look like.
First of all in traditional healing, nature is considered to be the
source of healing and only medicines derived from natural sources
are considered to have healing powers. The two oldest medical
systems, Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine, utilize only specially
prepared herbs and mineral preparations. Today we have a wide
assortment of so-called "natural" medicines including
homeopathy, however, their main feature is that they are non-toxic
when used correctly, have no side-effects, and generally are
required in smaller and smaller doses as healing progresses. This
can be easily compared with modern pharmaceuticals which are
often very toxic even when used correctly, invariably have side-
effects and are required in higher and higher doses as the disease
Another feature of traditional healing is the adherence to healing
principles. First of all the body is always put through a cleansing
process to eliminate the possibly toxic causes of disease whether
chemical, bacterial, or parasitic. Purges are often used along with
sweating, fasting, and herbal detoxifiers. Secondly, the body is
supplied with any nutritional support required for healing to take
place, this may involve the removal of allergens from the diet or
supplements to supply missing nutrients. Thirdly, rest, diet, herbs,
and such things as sunbathing, mineral baths, and special diets are
utilized to facilitate healing.
A further feature of traditional healing is the search for the causes
of disease within the psyche of the patient. This is extensively
covered in both Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine as well as the
shamanistic practices common to native peoples. It is interesting to
note that even the native peoples utilized sweating, purges, herbs,
special diets, and a very sophisticated level of psychology in their
healing practices. It must be noted, however, that all of these
traditional practices had their failings and strong points.
Emergency medicine and control of nfectious diseases were their
main weak points, but they do serve well as a blue print for a
medical model more holistic in nature.
One must first utilize whatever medicines are required to achieve
personal satisfaction with the control of symptoms. Every effort
should be made to minimize or reduce the need for medication.
How can this be applied to Parkinson's Disease? Well, there are
many who believe that exposure to lead, mercury, or heavy metal
compounds or possible pesticides, herbicides, or environmental
toxins precipitated their PD symptoms. If this is indeed the case
than a detoxification program should be utilized to remove the
toxic elements from the body. This is not easy, but can be
accomplished by utilizing chelation therapy, fasting, herbal
cleansing programs, saunas, etc. It is good to work with a health
care professional to monitor these therapies.
At the same time, nutritional supplements, anti-oxidants, herbs,
concentrated food supplements can be utilized to eliminate any
possible biochemical aggravation of PD symptoms. This is very
useful in order to prevent any further damage, assist the nervous
system to operate at its maximum potential, and hopefully
maintain the body in optimal health. Many PD patients develop
very poor nutritional habits and may accelerate the progress of
their symptoms. Often a strong nutritional program reduces the
need for supplemental L-Dopa and if natural sources of L-Dopa
are incorporated into the diet, even less is required.
It is a hotly contested subject, but I personally feel that there is a
difference in the biological activity of naturally occurring versus
synthetically produced chemicals. Testing has evolved using
instruments which test the bio-electric field around substances and
their affect on the human body. Naturally occurring substances
have a higher biological activity in the human body. Synthetic
molecules require an energy input before they can be utilized. It is
becoming recognized that we are more of an electromagnetic field
than a solid mass. This electromagnetic field is in turn strongly
effected by our thoughts, emotions and such things as synthetic
chemicals. For this reason organically grown foods, natural source
nutritional supplements, and a diet based as low on the food chain
as possible is highly recommended. The strongly vegetarian diet
has also been found to be superior for everyone, especially PD
patients. Anti-oxidants have also been found to be very beneficial.
Once cleansing has been taken care of and a comprehensive
nutritional program has been initiated, Chinese nervine herbs,
Ayurvedic herbs and homeopathic remedies have all been found
to have regenerative powers. There are also Western herbal
products available as well.
The next stage is to facilitate self-healing. This has been extensively
addressed in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine and is now being
researched in Western medicine. The model that is emerging
considers the human body as an energy system, there is even
research indicating that the body is similar to a holographic
construct of the mind. All the energy systems of the body are
influenced by our thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, attitudes,
etc. Negative attitudes and emotions generally create deficiencies
and imbalances in the body whereas peaceful, loving thoughts and
attitudes create balance in the body. The thrust in self-healing is to
maximize the flow of energy in the body. Once this has been
achieved, healing can occur.
One recent model for healing theory is that at least 85% of the
energy in the body must be free flowing before healing can occur.
If toxic elementa have been removed and optimal nutrition is
employed, more energy is available for healing and regeneration.
Energy can be drained from the body by unresolved issues in the
past, unexpressed or repressed emotions, and any psychological
issue which prevent you from being in present time. This
diversion of energy into the maintenance of negative attitudes,
beliefs, hurts, grievances from the past, etc. all contribute to energy
depletion or depression. All forms of bodywork, psychotherapy,
counselling, hypnotherapy, etc. are useful in releasing this
stagnant energy. It is also useful to employ structural therapies
like yoga, feldenkrais, Alexander technique, craniosacral therapy,
chiropractic, therapeutic massage, etc. to eliminate problems in
this area. The actual technique is not as important as the skill of the
The main point of this approach is to become knowledgeable
about your body, your inner powers of self-healing and become
responsible for maintaining an optimal level of health for you. It is
very important to your personal sense of well-being to heal all of
the unresolved issues, relationships and conflicts in your life.
Finding a purpose for living and a way to share your life with
others as well as developing loving and supportive relationships is
also extremely important. The degree to which you resist these
processes is the degree to which you are resisting healing in your
life and body. When all of these elements are in place, miracles
often occur in  people's lives.
With PD one will not likely be completely cured as the cells which
produce dopamine have already either atrophied or died, but truly
nothing is impossible. However, the remaining cells can be
stimulated to operate at peak efficiency and if the whole nervous
system and energy system of the body is operating without
obstruction, less dopamine will be required and hopefully a
longer, healthier life will be enjoyed without resorting to heavier
drug therapy. Utilization of the best of what is available according
to the preferences and abilities of the individual is the goal.