

Hello Everyone,
     Recently someone from Evanston,Ill. posted a note asking me about a
Feldenkrais techer there.  My e-mail builds up so fast these days that I
can't keep up with it, (and I'm only on two forums).  Therefore, the posting
go t lost, so I'l just post this referral generally.  My Feldenkrais teacher
gave me a couple of names there.  If you are still interested, give me a
phone call at (312) 489-3607, and I'll tell you who they are with their phone
numbers.  I feel uncomfortable posting their names without their permission.
      I have had three or four lessons now, and I can definitely see that
this is going to help in a long-term, subtle kind of way.  My gait and my
voice are the focus of attention.  My voice is already improving.
     Call me if you are still looking.
     I also noticed the posting on "healing harps".  I think guitar and piano
have a similar affect even though the vibration doesn't touch the body in the
same place.  The sensual aspects and the hearing and production of rhythym
have some value here.  Sometimes I think that metaphorically PD patients need
to be reminded (as if we didn't know by now ) that we are not
self-sufficient, by requiring us to experience friction with the material
world  around us in order to function.
     Well so much for that ruminating.
                                 Claudia Elliott