

Hi, Charlie:  A few months ago someone sent me a message asking about
using an anonomous server to discuss sex and Parkinsonism.  When I
replied to this message (which was sent via an anonomous server), I was
automatically given an anonomous ID.  When I sent for their 'help' file,
I discovered that one person was running this server and users had to
rely on his/her discretion.  This person may be perfectly reliable but I
would hesitate to recommend using this method to have an anonomous
discussion about anything.  Some of our 899 members have not told their
employers or their families that they have Parkinson's...  I volunteered
to accept any postings on this posting, addressed to me personally at
[log in to unmask], and forward them to the list after
stripping them of any identification.  I am still willing to do this BUT
it is time for me to give my usual warning.  Email messages may be
personal but they are NOT private.  I discovered this when a good friend
of mine was murdered and the police took all of our email messages to
each other as evidence in the trial.  The archives of this list are also
available by, if you don't want to see it on the 6:00 news,
don't send it email!  In my opinion, it is very unlikely that anyone
else will read personal email messages but the possibility is still there.
I certainly do NOT want to shut down any discussion on sex and
Parkinson's.  I think those of us with PD have lost enough and if anyone
who is having sexual difficulties due to Pd can find any help through
this list, that would be as important as help in any other area of our