

CRADAs - cooperative research and development agreements.
Today my Librarian gave me this article from -- SCIENCE NEWS  Vol 148
July 29, 1995   Page 73
  Somatix and LBNL established a $3.5 Million 3 yr CRADA last May to
test a possible treatment for Parkinson's disease.
  Before getting involved in the CRADA, Somatix researchers had
induced Parkinson's in 25 rhesus monkeys.  They then inserted into the
primates' brains genetically engineered cells that overproduce an enzyme
which promotes the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter, explains
EDward Lanphier of Somatix.  The new cells should boost patients'
production of the neurotransmitter.
  Last year, after the monkeys got their new cells, LBNL SCIENTISTS
monitored the animal's dopamine production with both positron emission
tomography (PET) and singlephoton computed tomography scanning devices.
The treatment looked so promising that the company hopes to start human
trials next year.
  I have a great librarian, he's always finding interesting articles for
me.   Margie Nestler