

Drug interaction (reaction?)
Caution to all of you in PD cyberspace.
I have just returned from the emergency room after taking a beta blocker:
ATENOLOL  50 mg tablet.  No information exists regarding possible interaction
with antiParkinson drugs and after thorough checking the dr. assumed it would
be safe for me to used to attempt to correct heart arrhythmia (skipping about
100 beats per hour).
What happened?
Thurs p.m. 50 mg atenolol - no reaction
Friday p.m. second dose - 50 mg atenolol.  Approximately 30 minutes after
taking the second dose I experienced tightening in throat, left side of face,
then tremor, then severe dyskinesia and dystonia developing within 10 minutes
of onset of first tightening of muscles.  Called dr. and husband (should have
called 911) and was in ER within 20 minutes flailing arms and legs to kingdom
come.  Intramuscular injection of Benadryl slows this movement down within 5
minutes or so.
(Benadryl would not slow PD caused dyskinesia according to dr.)
Use caution when starting a newly prescribed drug. . .even if the checks are
all made by the pharmacy, etc.
Good luck to all of you
Rita Weeks
(My PD drug regimen is: Sinamet CR, Eldepryl, Cabergoline, Premarin (post
husterectomy in 1983).  Age 50. Multiple drug allergies.........but beware
and be careful.