

> This thought just occurred to me:
> In the mid 1980's my wife was treated for an esophogeal problem with Reglan.
> After some months she developed Parkinsons-like symptons: slow movement,
> slurred speech, a general sluggishness. After about six months on the drug
> she went off it and the symptons disappeared.
> Now, in the early 1990's she has been diagnosed with true PD. At the time we
> were assured the Reglan had nothing to do with it.
> Does anyone have similar experience ?
> THanks.
My husband developed Parkinson's after taking Esidrex for hypertension
when he was 38.  At the time we and his doctor didn't make the
association, but after watching him get stiffer or looser depending on
the anti-hypertensives he takes, we have established a definite correlation
between medications and symptoms.  My husband is a physical chemist and
may have come in contact with any variety of chemicals that might have
caused his Parkinsons, but anti-hypertensives definitely precipitated his
disease, and continue to be a problem.
We have a doctor who listens to us in regard to my husband's symptomology
and regulates his medications accordingly.  I bless the man every day.
Hope this helps.
Mary Ann Ryan