

To Fred Turner
RE: Your Question "what is ADL?"
ADL stand for Activities of Daily Living. These can be measured either
functionally or through the use of a survey. This information helps us
to better understand a persons degree of independence and autonomy in
performing daily activities such as washing the body, using the
toilet, fixing a meal, taking care of toenails, getting dressed and
undressed, transfer from bed to chair...etc.
Some studies using ADL as the variable of interest look at the actual
functioning and measure that persons, how long does
it take to get up out of bed and walk 20 feet or how many times can a
person stand up from a chair in 1 minute. Other ADL measures look at a
persons *perception* of their ability to be independent and autonomous
in ADL. Thats what I'm looking at in my dissertation and one of the
questions I'd like to answer is "to what extent does a persons
*perception* change after 10 weeks ofbalance and strength training".
And are functional changes related to changes in perception? Does the
spose/caregiver have a different perception of their Parkies ADL than
the Parky themselves?
Anyway, I hope this clears it up a little. Mark Hirsch
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These two quotes are from Oliver Sacks "An Anthropologist on Mars"
--The universe is not only queerer than we imagine, but queerer than
we can imagine.
J.B.S. Haldane
--Ask not what disease the person has, but rather what person the
disease has.
(attributed to) William Osler