

Here's my latest poem, conceived while thinking on the upcoming environmental
Creation vs. Evolution,
Now they are in conflict again.
Does it never end?
No, I am not talking of the historical, still-ongoing battle,
Between God's creation of the world in seven days,
and the Darwinian Theory of Evolution.
Evolution spanning centuries, if not longer.
Actually in one sense it could be considered a logical extension
Of the above.
Man (and I quote this reference purposely),
Was supposedly given dominion over the earth
And its many inhabitants.
To this end he continues to dominate,
By virtue of his mind
And his ability to create.
What God created was out of Love,
Often what Man creates is out of Ignorance.
Both we and our 'dominions' evolved physically,
In a world that until recently consisted of natural elements.
Some of these, granted, are toxic,
But we all evolved together,
As the complex fabric of life was woven.
Spiders and Snakes,
Both creatures of God,
Both feared by Man
Because of their deadly venoms.
Man's venom is worse.
It does not belong to a living creature,
Nor does it simply attack its prey.
It is completely indiscriminate,
Even attacking Man himself.
What, you say I must be genetically deficient,
To fall prey to this venom?
I beg to disagree.
Perhaps our venoms,
Unlike those of spiders and snakes,
Are outdistancing evolution's ability to keep pace?
These substances are created in massive quantities,
And in an almost infinite variety,
With which evolution, in all of its wisdom,
Could never compete.
No small wonder some of us,
And much of the wildlife,
Have become susceptible.
In addition, other by-products of Man's creation,
Are attracted to our genes,
And have the power to alter our DNA,
Setting the stage for our later 'susceptibility.'
Where does it begin?
Where does it end?
Will the only solution for survival
Be evolution to non-physical bodies,
Consisting only of spirit
And a desire for what was Lost?