

Mike:  Hey now - sure the uncertainties of PD are frightening but things
arn't as bad as you think.  I suggest you  join a young onset PD support
group and look around at what is happening.  All of us arn't drooling idiots
- well I might be but I hide it by chewing gum and socializing a lot.  I've
had PD for 10 years and I don't think I'm ready for the last flight into the
side of a mountain.
Make sure your neurologist is someone you are comfortable with and someone
who knows a lot about PD.  Put PD out on the table for your wife, kids and
friends.  Explain what is going on now - not what might happen in the future
- then stop dwelling on it and start living.  The only thing certain with us
is that we are alive and we have this really pissy condition and we need to
cope with it.  We also have to watch out we don't become boring or a pain in
the butt at home or at work.  It's ok to sound off here on this PD listserve
- and at support group meetings.
Read all the books on PD - get on the PD organizations mailing lists for
newsletters - go to PD seminars and meetings -  JOIN A SUPPORT GROUP - get
involved with raising research money by walking with others in  PD walkathons
and Unity walks.  You will never walk alone.
Keep up with and contribute here on this list - you won't find knowledge
depressing - and you might help someone.
Barbara Yacos